Striking fear into politicians everywhere

Sunday 1 March 2009 |

Libertas continues to strike fear into the hearts of politicians everywhere. Today's victim is Irish Taoiseach Brian Cowen, who has actually gone so far as to change the political donation rules just to counter us!

Brian and other anti-democratic Irish politicians first got their knickers in a twist last year over how Libertas raised the money to fight the No campaign in Ireland. In a magnificent display of SLS (Sore Loser Syndrome) they threw a tantrum and accused Libertas of taking money from the CIA and US military. 

The alternative, that the Lisbon Treaty they all support was just very unpopular in Ireland and so people donated money to Libertas, didn't occur to them. It's clearly far more civilised to run a smear campaign complaining that the CIA is providing a slush fund. 

When will they realise that these dirty tricks only serve to reveal their true anti-democratic nature? It's a superb advertisement for why the public should disbelieve their propaganda and fear tactics over the Lisbon Treaty.

Anyway, must dash, I'm off to McDonald's in my brand new Hummer.

1 comment:

Eurocentric said...

I don't see why you're making such a fuss out of it then, if Libertas' support and donations come from small grass-roots sums. In fact, you could argue that it would hurt the established parties more. My position has been that something like this is a good idea even before I ever heard of Libertas, so I welcome the measures.

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