EU Red Tape Cost Us £100 Billion In 10 Years

Thursday 12 February 2009 |

The Sunday Express took a good look at an Open Europe report on EU over-regulation  last weekend. You may recall that Open Europe launched its previous study on EU propaganda at the new Libertas office in Brussels. I really hope that Libertas will continue to work with this excellent organisation in the future. 

Anyway, back to the article. The crux of it is that unnecessary Brussels legislation is costing us taxpayers vast amounts of money. While the EU seemed to get away with this in the 'good times', wasting money and hampering businesses with interfering regulations in a recession is unforgiveable. Libertas is committed to not only dramatically cutting back on new EU legislation, but slashing many of the unwelcome 100,000 pages of EU regulations that add no value to UK governance.

Shockingly, the Open Europe report concludes that 
If the current rate of legislation continues for the next decade, EU rules will cost Britain £356billion – equivalent to £14,300 per British household, or enough to abolish income tax for two years. 
Interestingly though, the paper tries to suggest, by associaton (that's a bit desperate!), the Tories are taking a stand on this:
Mr Wolfson, a close ally of Tory leader David Cameron, said: “Small businesses in particular need all the help they can get. There has never been a more important time to confront the torrent of regulations shackling their ability to operate effectively.  
“The mindset of government must change. Policymakers must accept the radical idea that the law should only be used to regulate our endeavours where there is an overwhelming case for state intervention.  “Secondly, Ministers must be far stronger in resisting new regulation from the EU.   
“They must use all the power at their disposal to stem the tide of regulation coming from the EU, regardless of the unpopularity it may cause us in Brussels. In the long run, the whole of Europe will thank us for taking a stand.” 
That all sounds good, doesn't it? But what the paper forgot to mention is that under the existing EU rules, that the Conservative party have continuously supported and voted for, there is nothing that British Ministers can do about EU legislation. 

If you want to end this madness, then Libertas is the only party offering a realistic way out. We will change the entire way the EU is run to place national sovereignty at the heart of all European governance. 

The only way that Europe can work is for nations to willingly cooperate. The EU's endles march towards a superstate that imposes its "post-democratic" bureaucracy on unwilling nations is already killing Europe. Please support Libertas to help us put an end to it.

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