Voting No to Lisbon causes death and devastation

Sunday 22 February 2009 |

In the increasingly hysterical political discourse surrounding the Lisbon Treaty one can always depend on Dick Roche to bring calmness and reason to the debate. At a meeting of the European Affairs Oireachtas committee on Thursday, the Irish Commissioner claimed that Irish voters had a "death wish" and that voting No in the second referendum would "be absolutely devastating for Ireland". He then went on to link a No vote to higher unemployment, less foreign investment and asserted that Ireland would be relegated to a second tier position in the EU.

But the absolute best part of his statement came towards the end:

He insisted the Government would have to make sure voters were adequately informed, without using the fear tactics of the 'No' side.
It's actually very difficult to comment on that, other than to reiterate that the Brussels elites will literally say anything in their desparation to push the anti-democratic EU superstate.

I would urge the Irish electorate to vote him out for making such ridiculous statements, but like all Commissioners, he is an unelected bureaucrat. So they are stuck with him whether they like it or not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So we have Dick predicting the apocalypse if we vote no, but doesn't want to use scare tactics and we have the PES and EPP stooges in the European parliament telling Klaus to shut up just as the Czech President stated that the EP doesn't listen to opposing views... comical!

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