Graham Watson defects to the BNP?

Tuesday 3 March 2009 |

It seems that I was a bit remiss in my posting yesterday. The big story of the day was not Lib Dem MEP Graham Watson's fight for life against rampaging killer adverts, it was the revelation of his true personality:

I am confident that the people of South West England and Gibraltar will not be fooled by a crass attack by a foreigner on a representative of our region
Yes, you read it correctly. Graham Watson is a xenophobe. He wants you to think less of someone else's opinion because they are foreign.

This bizarre dismissal of Declan Ganley on the basis of his nationality is hampered only by the fact that he has dual Anglo-Irish nationality; he was born and raised in London and has considerable British business interests.

But if Declan Ganley was French or Bulgarian, how would that make his opinion of Graham Watson any less valid? Surely this kind of antiquated attitude has no place in a modern Europe?

If Graham Watson is intending to become the BNP's first MEP, I thnk that we should be told!


Anonymous said...

The Lib Dems have some very unsavoury characters running their party.

Thankfully, I am seeing real signs, that the oridnary rank and file are beginning to realise this.

Anonymous said...

Between Graham Watson in the UK and Ireland's Dick "You're judges by your associates" Roche all I can say is, which enemies like these two clowns who needs friends at all.

Dick and Watson truly the hardest working assets Libertas has, they should get an award!

Anonymous said...

Second No could force Irish exit from union - MEP

Have you read the latest missive from Graham Watson - threatening Ireland that is they vote no they will be forced out of the EU?

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