Stamp Out Sleaze Days 4 & 5

Monday 18 May 2009 |

I am coming to this a bit later than I should, but Libertas has now released the final two pledges on its Stamp Out Sleaze pledge cards:

4. I will publish the details of all meetings with lobbyists.
5. I will never abuse my expenses to reward my family.

I can certainly see the importance of full disclosure with regard to lobbyists. It's not a pledge that will excite the masses, but hopefully those more interested in the working of Government will understand the importance.

As for hiring family members, there was a great news item out from Libertas today that summed this up: Tory MEPs are three times more likely to employ their wives

What has amused me immensely though is how much the Tories totally copied our pledges idea today for their launch, even down to using five of them. It's really quite outrageous:
“One – Conservative MEPs will publish online a breakdown of all office costs, signed off by a certified accountant. 
“Two – they will publish online details of all travel: to Brussels, to Strasbourg, to any other country. 
“Three – they will publish the names of each member of staff they employ.
“Four – they will publish details of all meetings with lobbyists and interest groups. 
“And five – all of the above will be subject to examination by a scrutiny panel.
They already do number 3, so it's no big deal. Number five isn't a pledge; they should be doing that already. 1 & 3, however, are largely the same as our first pledge - to release all expenses in detail. Their number 4 was the same as our number 4. At least Cameron has realised the significance of this.

It's all very encouraging really. You know you are important because the other parties start copying you wholesale. 

Noticeably absent was a Tory promise not to hire family members, and it looks like they are happy for their MEPs and MPs to carry on accepting bribes too.


Anonymous said...

Sep 2008 was when the Tories decided to publish MEPs expenses.

Libertas Insider said...

The Tory expense publications are a total con though. They promised to publish, but in reality it was an exercise in obfuscation, providing almost no new information; it told us simply that they spent money on travel, offices and staff, but not how much, when or why. A typical politician's fudge.

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